Friday, December 7, 2007

Purple Monster Sesame Street

If soup is not wet bread

The mayor of Piombino unveiled to the press the text of the "new" framework agreement Piombino, Bagnoli pompously flaunting substantial changes to the previous agreement that would lead to "environmental safeguards, financial, scientific research and remediation"

A first glance looks like a new copy of the old with minor changes that do not alter the questionable substance, deferring for now a more thorough analysis of research activities for the maintenance of commitments advertised by establishment figures, and particularly by the regional Bramerini, want to understand the consistency of the new features.

start with the environmental safeguards : mayor says "As regards the first point on the security environment, there is the certainty that the material to reach are all" non-hazardous "and purified also called "hot spot".. " Of the 1.3 million cubic meters of materials filled with the Bagnoli expect to use the old agreement directly 400,000 and for the other 900,000 cubic meters was expected a (questionable) the process of screening and washing before use, but now they are all good for the law.

Among the fears of some who have a negative effect this maneuver, there is also that of creating a center for the treatment of waste, and in this regard in the agreement reads: "All transactions relating to the sale of books available to other parties other than subscribers of this Agreement will be subject to the following specific program agreements ... In total resources referred to in paragraph 1, are not accounted for resources from the sale, to other entities of residual volumes available in the collection tanks of approximately 1,411,000 cubic Piombino "in the old agreement was also highlighted " the presence of a company which is specializing in the treatment of waste derivantidall'industria steel industry with the aim of transforming material for road construction, " that has become the new" the presence of SIN in Piombino, a company that is specializing in the treatment of waste; " Waste of any kind?

For guarantees of a financial nature, in fact those who were deferred resources to find with the sale of the spaces of the tanks are covered for the most part with resources that will be provided, in each case postponed to 2009, under FAS 2007/2013, but an appointment must be made: in various parts of the agreement and Technical Annex on these resources are allocated to the Ministry of the Environment, Land and sea but I think the FAS, fall within the National Strategic Framework, is managed by the Ministry of Economic Development, and if Bersani (or who will be at its place in 2009) said, "then just ask Pecoraro (or who will be in place in 2009),"

seems interesting entry into of research and technological experimentation " A question that opens new perspectives for Piombino, in terms of growth and enrichment of skills in terms of culture and science," said Anselmi, but going to see is:

27. The activities will begin to experiment with innovative techniques and technologies for managing contaminated sediments will be financed with resources of € 2,071,000.00 (equivalent to 5% of resources allocated to the management of hazardous sediment on site and in Piombino site of Naples Orientale)

For the case of experiments in the previous paragraph, the ministries involved wish to take advantage ICRAM ... giving the same school resources referred to in Article 4, paragraph 27.

ICRAM But it is not already involved in these activities? where's the news? perhaps giving a slice of cake to those who were excluded Stao ...

For the central role that takes on Piombino the mayor says: "Within four months following the signing of the agreement, indeed, will dictate the guidelines for the reclamation of the Sin of Piombino, with site characterization in relation to the business plans of companies (Lucchini, Dalmine, Magona)). Also provided for the safety of the North filled in Piombino, the marsh area. All this in a vision of the centrality of Piombino in the updated code will sanction its environmental law "

And among the various conditions of the agreement are

CONSIDERING that this Agreement is integral part of the broader agreement to date to be announced, and that includes the reclamation of the SIN of Piombino and the same business plan of companies located; The objectives of re-industrialization and Remediation shall be pursued jointly, ensuring adequate information and public participation.

concerning the site of the National Interest of Piombino, in line with the requirements of the Ministry of Economic Development with the note referred to the premises, within four months of the signing of this Agreement, the public Signatories undertake a coordinated and each for its own, to complete the investigation required to reach a specific program agreement with the firms located in the same site, and having the following contents:

· declination and procedures for implementing the Business Plan of businesses located;

rooms · intervention for remediation of the ground;

· Method of implementation of securing the area north of Piombino filled.

Last note, the new agreement there are two new entities: the Ministry of University and Research (Piombino seemed odd that a minister had not yet appeared) and the Environment Val di Cornia, and who is the president of the district ...? Gianni Anselmi


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