Saturday, December 22, 2007

Red Mark After Waxing

mud cake instead

The signing of the program does not diminish the concern of citizens and territory. Neither change the negative opinion about the operation 'Mud Bagnoli,' which is a case of bad environmental policy, waste of public resources and lack of democracy. Check the contents of the agreement signed in Rome, since the Mayor has signed no one knew the final version in Piombino. If it is true-but-check - that the conditions of the Region of Tuscany have been successful, so are unlikely to do something and have to worry about this also in Naples.

now the municipal administration of Piombino would sign anything to save face and interests political one. In practice the the region has told him that they had prepared an agreement was wrong, uncertain, and in some places illegal. But nobody wants to admit their responsibility and their own incompetence. In this regard, we recall the Mayor of regional laws that respect what is his, not only in the Region, and frankly, be forced to ricordaglielo disturbs us very much.

It came out of an agreement signed on the head and the entire territory of Piombino. Surprising lack of coherent City Council, Mayor and Councillor for the environment in mind: in July had to get hazardous waste, then only those contaminated presented as harmless materials, up to September were treated before use, now plans to throw them into the sea without any treatment, and before the City would take the waste Bagnoli without entering the remediation of Piombino, then the region (also No solicitation of mud Committee) has forced the city to back down and reverse the priorities.

Many contradictions and no transparency. On the day of signing all sing victory, but they know that the trouble starts now and the time schedule, assuming that has not changed too-not be honored. We on behalf of thousands of citizens were mobilized will keep up the our initiatives, including appeals to the TAR and will not stop the public to denounce the big mistake of this operation, done in haste on the eve of Christmas, with the people who received Piombino sludge instead of panettone


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