Thursday, October 21, 2010

Processed Unprocessed Cocoa

"EXPLORING: Giuliani BERGAMASCHI" ... 4 events, 4 directories!

comment of the 3rd night of the festival EXPLORING, Giuliana Bergamaschi, Concerto For A Love, dedicated to Fabrizio De Andre '

A female voice who plays Fabrizio De Andrè is already in itself 'a particular thing! If he is Julia Bergamaschi (sometimes transformed so much that it seems that her voice is disconnected from his body) then it is just beautiful! But if you add Fred, guitar (but where do his hands and how beautiful is his way of playing) and Andrea (but what are its beautiful jeweled bouzuki and banjo!) then it is complete! But the limit in the words ... you must be there to hear the heart beat faster!
If the meaning and purpose of music and words is to make us feel emotions Well with this mini-festival devoted to Guliani Bergamaschi (4 evenings ... 4 directories), which in any event has brought extraordinary musicians, we felt a sense and reached the end!
Another wonderful evening!
We lack only the last round, the next Saturday.


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